Morning Ritual

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My morning routine keeps me from going insane. It's easy to read a lot about different disciplines in personal growth - I actually feel better about myself for a few minutes when I do. When I practice something with any sort of consistency, it's easy to learn what works for me and what does not.

When I do these 3 things I always have a better day:

Exercise in some way

Even if it's for 5 or 10 minutes. There's a bunch of resources available for this - I usually just do stretches and strength training of some sort.

Read something inspiring
I have a whole shelf full of books that inspire me. Also there's several daily inspiration books on my phone if I'm traveling.

I've practiced several disciplines in the last few years. It's brought me to meditation centers, silent retreats, and has made me a better person over time. Everyone is practicing meditation! Nobody is good at it. Often the act of trying something (or nothing) is sufficient. Meditation is whatever you're thinking about, so you're always "meditating" on something.

Take me back:
Get 'er Done